The stories people tell are always about the things we left behind, and about the things we wish we could do again. The real story isn't about what you know; it's about what you wish you knew then. When my brother and my best friend fell in love—that was the end of everything I knew.
Fraternal twins Nadio and Noelle share a close connection—and as Noelle's best friend since they were five, Keeley Shipley fit perfectly into their world. But everything changes after Keeley spends the summer before junior year at Oxford. When Keeley returns, Nadio falls in love with her. Noelle, ripped apart by resentment, sees her as an ungrateful rich girl. But Keeley has a painful story that she can't tell yet. As Nadio and Keeley hide their romance, Noelle dives into something of her own—a destructive affair with an older boy.
Beautifully presented by dual narrators in a haunting stream of memories, this is the deeply moving story of how secrets can consume a friendship—and how love can heal it.
I have been looking forward to spotlighting this title ever since I was lucky enough to read a review copy some weeks ago. I LOVED this book. It's exactly the type of book I read and savor and don't want to mess up by reading something else right after. It's one of those quietly powerful novels that linger inside you and worm their way into your everyday thoughts. It's full of emotional depth and heart and Heather works magic with her words. I would have read this as a teen and thought, "YES! She gets it!" Then I would've clogged up Heather's inbox with fan mail.
I'm so thrilled to have her stop by and answer my Thorough Three!
First, a bit about Heather:
Heather Duffy Stone writes stories and essays that are mostly inspired by high school—either her own or someone else’s. THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO TELL YOU is her first novel. She has lived in Vermont, England, Los Angeles, rural New York and Rome, Italy. For now she cooks, sleeps, explores, writes and teaches in Brooklyn, New York.
I am proud to call Heather a friend. Here are her answers to the Thorough Three!
NM: What is the age of your MCs?
HDS: Sixteen… and of course the older boyfriend. He’s not 16.
NM: Oh, sixteen is such an angst-filled year! And the older boyfriend -- yikes! What is the single, most important bit of advice you'd give to the You that was the same age as your protagonist/s?
HDS: O I think about this all the time… I’d say I know how you feel right now but I promise it’s not the end of the world. It will feel better. You will be okay!
NM: I know! If only we could go back and give our teen selves a few there-there's and bear hugs!
Now complete the following sentences:
Everyone should definitely, for sure _____________.
You should NEVER, EVER ___________. But if you absolutely must, make sure to ____________.
HDS: Everyone should definitely, for sure take risks. Take the risks that scare you the most.
You should NEVER, EVER lie. It isn’t worth it. But if you absolutely must, make sure to tell someone the truth.
Oh, those are SOOO good!! I agree one hundred percent. Thanks so much, Heather!
Click here to learn more about Heather and her work, and here to buy a copy of her wonderful, not-to-be-missed THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO TELL YOU.
1 comment:
I am SO EXCITED to be on your blog today... thank you thank you thank you for being my constant support (and inspiration!)
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